On Saturday, May 15, 2021, Vincent Randall, a true Clarkdale Native and Dilzhe'e Apache Elder, was honored by the Clarkdale Heritage Society and Museum as the first recipient of Legacy Award. The presentation was at 10:00am at the View Deck of the Clubhouse.
As the event was scheduled prior to the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, it was not open to the public. Mr. Randall, his wife, Erie, his brother, dignitaries from the Yavapai-Apache Nation, Clarkdale elected officials, the Museum Board and Town Manager Hlavinka attended.
The award, a beautiful copper sculpture of a tree, was presented by CHSM President Michael Lindner.
“The tree represents life and family roots and the copper signifies the richness of history,” Mr. Lindner explained.
Mr. Lindner recited many of Mr. Randall’s accomplishments including Educator, Coach, Yavapai Apache Nation Chairman, and Yavapai Apache Nation Historian.
Mr. Randall added another profession: mowing the lawn of Mr. Lindner’s grandparents home.
After his gracious acceptance of the award, Mr. Randall regaled the crowd with stories of his tribe’s history. Pointing to a stunning vista, he said, “That was where my family’s camp was.”
He indicated the location of his grandmother’s wickiup and the nearby Apache ceremonial grounds.
Painful history was shared as well. In 1875, his ancestors were forced to relocate to San Carlos, a brutal journey the many did not survive. As a child, Mr. Randall was not permitted in many Clarkdale facilities, such as the pool.
“They had another pool over there for brown skinned kids,” he said. He noted, however, that class divisions were more financial than racial.
Mr. Randall expressed gratitude for the opportunity to share his stories and explained the importance of doing so.
“You have to share your stories,” he said. “Otherwise, someone else will come along and tell them, someone who wasn’t there, didn’t live it.”
Mr. Randall’s First Friday presentation can be viewed at the CHSM website.
CHSM appreciates Mr. Randall’s many contributions and looks forward to learning much more from him.
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