Annual Meeting 2024 Goals

31 Jan 2024 2:42 PM | Francine Porter (Administrator)

Our annual general membership meeting was held at Hermosillo Hotdogs on January 20th this year.  Buffet lunch was served and our next year goals were presented.  Open forum for the members who attended was fruitful with ideas for the Board to consider.  Thank you to those who participated.

1.Prioritize and fill critical Open Board of Directors Officer & Team Lead Positions 
2.Re-Vamp membership level structure and Wild Apricot Member Interface
3.Recruit volunteers interested in pursuing a School Out-Reach Program using existing designated funds
4.Continue to develop museum exhibits / Develop additional materials for display monitors
5.Pursue sponsorships for events; identify other sources of funds; Develop outreach program for Planned Giving; and Consider the establishment of an endowment fund for long term financial security
6.Continue to develop Facebook / social media communications and other targeted marketing tools
7.Increase Museum Open Hours as volunteer staffing permits
8.Re-Invent the “In their Own Words” Speaker Program
9.Continue to foster relationships with local sister institutions
10.Continue to support historic preservation efforts in the Town of Clarkdale
11.Explore paid position(s) to serve as Volunteer Coordinator and Grant Coordinator

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